
Are you ready to bring your dreams to life?

To truly unveil your potential in an easeful manner?

To build a sacred, miraculous life of your own. 

If so, keep scrolling...

Marc Allen's workshops and programs will change your life.

Marc happily provides his clients with all of the tools to take creativity and writing to the next level. He is on a mission to help everyone reach their goals, whether they're at a beginner level, or a seasoned writer looking to master your craft, Marc will help you determine and execute the next step on your journey. 

Marc Allen has the antidote to our Type-A workaholic society

Find the perfect program with Marc for YOU below, and begin building a career and life you love, while learning how to balance your time with ease.

Get Published! Mini-Workshop Bundle

7 Steps to Getting Successfully Published
How to Write a Successful Proposal...
That Gets Your Book Published!

If you dream of being published, this mini-workshop bundle is for you!

Get instant access now to these 2 enlightening 60-minute workshops PLUS 60 minutes of prerecorded Q&A to discover the essential first steps.

The 1-Page Business Plan


This 1-Page Business Plan will give you the tools 
to start creating the life of your dreams… 
in an easy and relaxed manner, a healthy and positive way.

The Visionary Business Master Course

Learn how to create the business of your dreams...
so that your work inspires and transforms everyone it touches.

This advanced course will give you full access to the exact formula that I developed and put to use to create extraordinary success over the past 40 years.

No matter where you are on the business spectrum, this course will take you to the next step in your growth.

The Success With Ease
Audio Program


This 12-session audio program gives you the foundational pieces 

to go from wanting to create a life filled with abundance and ease

to actually living it... every day of your life. 

How to Get Happily Published


This 4-week online program will help you decipher what the best publishing option is for you, and ultimately show you how to get there! Whether you’re looking to be traditionally published or thinking about self-publishing or other creative options, this is the course for you.

Let's get you published!


Few teachers get my attention like Marc Allen. He has this way about him that is utterly relaxing and believable. He takes lofty success principles and brings them to earth in simple yet compelling ways.

I have tried the principles he suggests, and they really work. They will work for you, too.

Alan Cohen - Author of A Course in Miracles Made Easy and Relax into Wealth


Over the years I have seen Marc grow into a personal, artistic, and financial success as a publisher and an author. Marc’s mentoring has helped countless individuals, and businesses to realize their dreams. He has practiced exactly what he preaches, and it has worked for him on all levels. Don’t be fooled by his low-key, understated style. Marc is filled with practical wisdom that will help you create a fulfilled life.

Shakti Gawain Author of Creative Visualization


The world needs you to fulfill your financial potential and become a compassionate giver and make-it-happen millionaire. My friend Marc Allen teaches you how to become an 'enlightened millionaire.' 

I love his brilliant insights.

Mark Victor Hansen -

Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul & co-author of The One Minute Millionaire

1-Page Business Plan

The Fastest Way to Manifest The Business You Want… With Ease!
  • Discover: Why a simple 1-page plan is all you need to start creating the life of your dreams… in an easy and relaxed manner, a healthy and positive way.
  • Eliminate confusion and over-complicating: If you have a plan but are overwhelmed by the details, find out how to simplify things for better results (and a lot less stress).
  • Get clarity: If you have a vision but aren’t clear about how you can achieve it, this guide will get you moving in the right direction.