
November 24

Happy Thanksgiving!

Latest, Spirituality


Happy Thanksgiving! It's my favorite holiday of the year. All that's required is to be thankful and to overeat.

And yes, it's OK to overeat, once in a while. 

One of my favorite slogans is:

"Everything in moderation — and that includes a bit of excess, in moderation.
Otherwise you're being excessively moderate."

So enjoy your turkey or tofurky or whatever you like… and be thankful for your family, friends, your home, your country, and, most of all, for your life! For life itself. 

Celebrate your phenomenal human body with all of its amazing capabilities. Celebrate your talents, gifts, and dreams. 

Do something every day to love and serve yourself, and to love and serve others as well. That's a great key to a life well lived. 

There is a dark side to the holiday we should acknowledge as well... 

The very first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621. It was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims, and followed by 400 years of what Buffy St. Marie called "the genocide basic to this country's birth." 

So what should we do? 

We should not only celebrate our freedom and abundance, we should all do something to help others. 

I think it's obvious that our government should make serious restitution to Native Americans and African Americans. And all of us as individuals can do something on our own. Support restitution efforts. Support government programs to care for those who need help. Support nonprofits that provide meals and shelter to people in need. Pick any nonprofits that appeal to you, and contribute as much as you can. As Charles Colton put it, so brilliantly:

"If universal charity prevailed, earth would be a Heaven, and Hell a fable."

Most of all, enjoy! Celebrate your life. 

We all have so much to be thankful for — beginning with the fact that we are an awesome creation of 37.2 trillion cells working together in amazing harmony, filled with vibrant life. 

That's something to be celebrated! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

PS - Are you a writer? 

I’d like to give you some inspiration for continuing your journey: A complimentary session from our highly successful webinar series The Summer of Writing Academy.

In this first session, I share tips and insights — not only from years of publishing experience, but also as a fellow writer.

You can access the session here... https://marcallen.com/gift


Real Magic Exists & You Are a Magician.

You have the power to set in motion your ideal life. Are you ready to learn how? Access my FREE 20-min audio of The Magical Path: Ideal Scene Guided Meditation below.

About the author 

Marc Allen

Marc was a struggling poverty case throughout his twenties, and then he discovered the secrets that transformed his life and paved the way to becoming the co-founder and CEO of New World Library, one of the most respected publishing houses in the world. He is the author of 18 books and 7 albums of music.

His ability to crack the code on creating success and doing so with ease has led him to teach workshops and seminars around the world.

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