
Exclusive $300 Discount—60% Off—This Month Only!

Get mentored by a visionary business leader whose work has inspired millions...

The Visionary Business Master Course Online Program

Discover How to Consciously Supercharge 
Your Vision with Greater Imagination,
Enthusiasm, and Daring...

So that your work inspires and transforms everyone it touches.

Marc Allen,
Founder and Publisher

Publishing Books That Change Lives

What do you most want to manifest in your business and your life?
Is it creating more time or money? Is it being really passionate about what you’re choosing to do every day?
I’m Marc Allen, founder and publisher of New World Library. All the books I’ve published over the past 40 years are, in some way, transformational — books like The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, and Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.

Whether you’re already building a business or career or you’re seeking to find something new and exciting, I’ve created a course that will show you how to create a business or career that inspires and transforms everyone it touches.

I’ve put everything I know about ‘Enlightened Capitalism’ in this course —
everything I’ve used and continue to use today to create extraordinary success.

Every step of the way, you’ll discover how to effectively deal with any doubts, fears, or limiting beliefs that may be keeping you from a life of ease and abundance, or doing work that you love.

What You'll Gain with the Visionary Business Master Course

  • Master "The 3 Essentials" for Business Success: Discover and implement the core principles that drive successful enterprises
  • 12 Keys to Creating a Visionary Business: Learn actionable steps to build a business that reflects your highest aspirations
  • Enhanced Focus and Intention: Hone your abilities to maintain clarity and purpose in your business endeavors
  • Clear Mission and Purpose: Define your business's mission to eliminate doubt and foster confidence
  • Wealth Creation Aligned with Well-being: Design strategies to generate wealth that supports your overall well-being
  • Adaptability to Change: Embrace change as a catalyst for ongoing success

You already possess visionary abilities.
And you’re already continuously using the power of your mind to create what’s next in your life.

The question is, are you getting the results you want?
If not, you’re probably not thinking bold enough.

Enroll today to take advantage of this limited-time $300 discount! Invest in your future and unlock the potential to create the business of your dreams.

For entrepreneurs, creatives, and visionaries who dream of building a thriving business without stress, overwhelm, or struggle—this is your roadmap.

If we did all the things we’re capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.
~Thomas Edison

Most people have no idea what they’re capable of creating. On a personal level, it’s been my mission to share my story — a journey from total poverty to financial abundance — in a way that helps others realize their dreams as well.And the most important part of my story, the unique thing about it, is that I’ve created a life of success with ease… on my own terms.And it hasn’t just worked for awhile… these ideas have sustained my company’s growth for the past 40 years.

Even in times of global economic crisis, my business — and my entire staff — have thrived financially and creatively.

It doesn’t matter if you’re currently a solo entrepreneur, or artist, or small business owner, or planning to start your own enterprise in the future. These tools will allow you to create the business of your dreams — literally.

The Visionary Business Master Course
An Online Program

This advanced course will give you full access to the exact formula that I developed and put to use to create extraordinary success over the past 40 years.

No matter where you are on the business spectrum, this course will take you to the next step in your growth.

If you’re currently a solo entrepreneur or small business owner planning to expand your enterprise — or just getting started — you’ll learn the critical tools and guidance you need to take your business to the next level.

Save 60% When you Register Now!

Recorded Audio also in Downloadable
Mp3 Format  

The complete online program is available for only



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Exclusive $300 Discount—60% Off—This Month Only!

Over the course of 15 life-changing lessons, you’ll receive full access to the exact formula that I developed and put to use to create extraordinary success over the past 40 years:

  • Master “The 3 Essentials” for business success
  • Discover and practice the 12 Keys to creating a truly visionary business
  • Hone your powers of focus, attention, and intention to create lasting success
  • Clarify your mission and purpose — and watch doubt and fear disappear
  • Design a plan for creating wealth that supports your deepest well-being
  • Discover how learning to love change will ensure your success
  • Benefit from 2 Bonus audio sessions with visionary marketing and finance experts

Is this program right for you?

  • You want to start or evolve a business that inspires and transforms everyone it touches
  • You have a business plan but find you need to adjust
  • You need to prepare for expansion and business growth
  • You want to achieve higher levels of success
  • You’re looking for a business model that creates a positive impact for you, your employees, and your customers
  • You have doubts, fears, or limiting beliefs that may be keeping your business from flourishing — or from a life of ease and abundance — and want to learn how to effectively deal with them
  • You want to tap into the power of your mind to create what’s next in your life

Praise for Marc Allen's Courses

"I love the message of success with ease so much and I am forever grateful that I bumped into Marc's work and message.

So we decided to follow his advice quite literally.

I have never worked a Monday since reading that first book and my work week still begins on Tuesday at 3 pm.

I promised myself that if I became a millionaire from having such a graceful attitude, working smart and hard while giving away 10% of our time/money, I would share his work more broadly.

We did in fact reach millionaire status so we began monthly discussion groups in our cellar on a monthly basis.

In 2013 we sold our company and I took a 5 year holiday, travelled the world while home schooling our 2 children. Our world trip ended with 6 months in New York City after spending most of those 5 years in Eastern countries and especially immersed in nature - those 5 years were a dream!

In 2020 we started a new business in Singapore and I am forever grateful for our fortnightly calls in the On the Magical Path program...

keeps me relaxed and builds a lot of reminding perspective while getting started with a new business.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Marc."

— Vismai S

"Have to give a shout out (on this lazy Sunday) to a mentor of mine, Marc Allen, who not only admits to being lazy, but has written books about how to be lazy AND successful.
I've read a lot of books on personal growth, and to this day he's the only one I've ever read who didn't seem completely focused on DOING all the time, rather than just BEING. You feel relaxed just talking to him.

This was very refreshing to me, because most really successful people have that super charged kind of personality that leaves you feeling like you could never be ON all the time like that. There are times when I love to work, and times when I like to just chill. Anyone else feel that way?

He was also broke in his 30s, so it's not like he didn't have to work for it, but he did it in a methodical RELAXED way. Cutting out all of the unnecessary bs that we waste time on everyday, focusing on the few things that NEED to be done, and still having time left over to relax, meditate, read, play and write music, etc.

I highly recommend any and all of his books and programs. They're life changing."

— Daniel S
